How We Relate

In Politics, Business,

Production & Work

How We Live And Work Together,

What Is Wrong About It,

How To Fix It


Ordinary people voting

conservatives, hostile to

their interests and those

of their relatives, friends,

neighbours and workmates,

into government; deserting

progressive parties that try

to look after their interests

for not doing enough; getting

angry about politics or turning

off from it; getting politically

hostile to people over their

private characteristics; getting

angry with each other; and

turning for a simple answer

to bombastic politicians who,

representing the interests of

the wealthy, divert them into

blaming anybody else but

their class, the business class.

In making their living, employers

bossing them, mis-treating them,

and cornering obscene wealth

from their work.

All this is because we will not look

at the essentials - how we relate

in politics, business, production

and work.

We need to develop from them

a commonly-known, factual,

unarguable framework of how

we live and work together as a

foundation for political thinking,

debate and behaviour.

This work provides one, free to

download in a range of sizes.

This website is just a platform for downloads

and links. The large size of the text on some

devices is explained at the bottom.


in ascending order by length -


Work & Politics As Football.pdf

They are organised. We Are Not. Two pages.

The Essential HWR.pdf

A 2,000 word, five-minute read.

Why People Should Read How We Relate.pdf

The Ten Minute Read.pdf

The Twenty Minute Read.pdf

In Normal Size Text -

The Compact How We Relate.pdf 90 pp.

The Essential HWR and other starter material

from the full book; the Ten, Twenty and

Thirty Minute Reads; and the Special Papers

(see below).

How We Relate.pdf v.2025.4. 368 pp

The full work. Read to page 50 for the

essentials, which include The Ten,

Twenty & Thirty Minute Reads.


PRINTED COPIES to buy from

The Compact How We Relate Coilbound on Lulu

7.49 GBP in coilbound paperback (easier to read).

The Compact How We Relate Paperback on Lulu

4.49 GBP in normal paperback.

'How We Relate' on

14.99 GBP. The full 368 page printed book,

coil-bound for easy page-turning.

Special Papers

How To Talk To Each Other About Politics.pdf

- will help you discuss politics.

In large text for smartphones.

How To Talk To Each Other About Politics for print.pdf

- in smaller text for printing

Talking With Voters.pdf

- a version for progressive movements

with a small group activity for meetings.

The Three Summary Charts.pdf

Three one-page charts - some of the

key points of the work as diagrams -

The Right To Unionise

How We Relate In Politics

How We Make All The Wealth

Or It Is Our Money Not Theirs

Nationalism & Classism.pdf

How the beliefs and behaviour of the

business class and conservatives show

that national identity and nationalism

are shallow forms of collectivism and

that class is not.

The Right To Unionise.pdf

Taken from the full book.

224 pages. v.2024.4

Its own website -

Buy it printed, coil-bound

for easy reading, from here

'The Right to Unionise' on


Ed McDonnell is a retired lecturer

who taught union workplace reps/

shop stewards and has been

active in class politics and

the labour movement for

fifty years, in the UK.


Why the simple website -

Attempts to make a proper web page have

always turned out to be too tech-problematic

and improving the content, the downloads,

has always taken priority. So this web page

remains a simple .html file made in MS Word.

That is why the text, sized to be readable

on smartphones, shows big on desktop

computers and tablets. Not a big problem.


End of website